Lowe’s Virtual Planogram (VPOG) is a patented suite of web apps for creating 3D store displays.
VPOG is designed to help associates execute product resets more accurately and efficiently by providing them an interactive 3D/AR visual of what the completed reset should look like. VPOG consists of 3 web applications: Box It, Reset Builder, and Flexbook. With these three applications, users with PowerPoint-level skills can crete basic 3D products, arrange them into displays, and view them in-store on the web and in AR.
I am an inventor on the official approved US patents for these applications. The patent numbers for VPOG are 12189915 and 12211161 and are available for viewing on uspto.gov.
I was the lead front end engineer on this project and worked with our UX designer to build a React component library to use across all three React applications. I built the majority of the front end in the applications, as well as the analytics solution and AR component. The 3D renderer is built from Babylon.js with many custom extesions. The projects were written in TypeScript and the component library was built from React Material UI.